Omega-3 Stroke Prevention
Omega-3 for Stroke
In a study released by the Journal of the American Medical Association in 2001, fatty fish and omega-3 fatty acids were found to be possibly as effective as daily aspirin therapy in reducing the risk of thrombotic stroke. Increasing omega-3 intake, however, did not have the side effects that can occur with aspirin therapy. The study found that the more fish women ate each week, the lower their risk of stroke. Women who ate fish five or more times per week had over a 50 percent lower risk of stroke than women who ate no fish at all. The American Heart Association is another organization that has recommended the consumption of omega-3 fatty acids for the prevention of both stroke and heart disease.
Eat Omega-3-rich Foods
Get omega-3 fatty acids by increasing the amount of fish that you consume weekly. Fish and fish oil contain DHA and EPA, the two forms of omega-3 found useful in lowering triglycerides and reducing stroke risk. Nuts, such as English walnuts, flaxseeds and vegetable oils, like canola and olive, contain a different omega-3 fatty acid, known as ALA. According to the Mayo Clinic, ALA may have some of the same benefits as DHA and EPA. ALA, however, is not as effective as DHA and EPA, so the best source of omega-3 is fish. The AHA recommends consuming fish at least twice a week to get the necessary amount of omega-3s. The most effective fish types are fatty fish like whitefish, tuna, albacore, salmon and catfish.
Take Supplements
If you don't eat fish, you can still get the benefits of a fish-inclusive diet. Fish oil supplements are made of the natural oil found in fish. Fish oil is sold in both liquid and pill form and is available at most health food stores and vitamin suppliers. Take fish oil pills once or twice a day and add fish oil to drinks and foods.