Signs & Symptoms of Blood Clot on Top of Foot
Pain in the Foot
When a blood clot forms in your foot, it significantly decreases blood circulation and can, in turn, cause a great deal of pain. This pain will often travel down the foot to the toes and take the form of pricking needles or a burning sensation.
A blood clot may be the culprit if you experience a tingling kind of sensation in your foot that is accompanied by mild or moderate numbness. Any sort of persistent numbness or cold in the foot should also be cause for concern.
A blood clot will disturb the blood circulation of the foot and can turn the skin blue or pale. Sometimes there will only be discoloration in the toes.
Often times, a blood clot in your foot will cause it to swell. If your foot becomes swollen for no apparent reason, it may be due to a clot.