How to Detect a Person Having a Stroke

A stroke is a serious medical condition that requires immediate help from medical experts. Time is the most crucial element when dealing with a possible stroke victim. By performing a simple three-part test, you can determine whether someone is having a stroke. It takes only a minute or two to perform the test. Quickly determining if someone is having a stroke can save the person from serious disabilities.


  1. Instructions

    • 1

      Call 911. Contact the emergency services in your area and alert them that you believe someone is having a stroke. Remember time is crucial.

    • 2

      Do the smile test. Ask the individual to smile or show you his teeth. The smile test helps you detect weakness on one side of the person's face, which is a classic sign of a stroke.

    • 3

      Do the arm test. Ask the individual to close her eyes and raise both arms in front of her. This test is used to detect weakness in the individual's arms. Generally, the weaker arm will droop. You can also hold the person's hands and ask her to squeeze. This tells you if one hand is weaker than the other.

    • 4

      Check for slurred speech. Ask the individual to repeat a simple familiar phrase like "you can't teach an old dog new tricks" or "don't cry over spilled milk." This test assists you in detecting slurred speech, which is another symptom of a stroke.

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