Signs of a Brain Stem Stroke
The brain is fragile
A stroke is the sudden death of a large group of cells located in the brain. This can be caused by bleeding or blood clotting in the brain. When the blood supply and oxygen isn't reaching the cells, the cells will die.
Importance of Symptoms
The symptoms of a stroke vary depending on where exactly the stroke has occurred in the brain. It is these specific symptoms that doctors use to determine the site of the stroke.
The signs of a brain stem stroke include vertigo or slurred speech, an interruption in the person's breathing or heart rate, a non-responsive ability and paralysis. The person can sense stimuli, but is unable to respond.
In the early stages of a brain stem stroke, the best treatment option is one that resolves the blood supply problem. If the stroke is in the later stages, the most effective treatment would be therapy for the person. The person may be required to use a ventilator to breathe.
Brain stem strokes are deadly if not cared for immediately. At the first sign of a stroke it is important to rapidly seek emergency help and treatment. If you are unsure of what happened, seek medical attention just in case.