Do Not Ignore Signs of a Stroke!?
1. Sudden Face Drooping:
Look for asymmetry in the face, such as a drooping eyelid or smile.
2. Arm Weakness:
Raise both arms and observe if one arm drifts down or feels weak.
3. Speech Difficulty:
Slurred speech, trouble speaking or understanding others, or speech that sounds like mumbling can indicate a stroke.
4. Vision Problems:
Sudden vision changes in one or both eyes, blurred vision, or double vision can be a sign of stroke.
5. Confusion:
Pay attention to any confusion or memory problems.
6. Dizziness:
Sudden loss of balance, dizziness, or lack of coordination may signal a stroke.
7. Severe Headache:
An abrupt, severe headache that feels unlike anything you've experienced before could be a stroke symptom.
Remember the acronym "FAST" to help identify signs of stroke:
- Face drooping
- Arm weakness
- Speech difficulty
- Time to call 911
If you or someone nearby experiences any of these symptoms, call emergency services immediately. Medical professionals will conduct the appropriate tests and provide treatment to minimize brain damage and potential complications. Acting swiftly can significantly improve recovery chances from stroke.