Signs & Symptoms of a Stroke in a Woman
Pain and Weakness
Numbness and weakness, and possibly pain, can develop in the face or limbs. Numbness and weakness is often limited to one side of the body. Chest pain is a stroke symptom unique to women, according to the National Stroke Association. Women might also experience general weakness all over the body during a stroke.
Confusion and Speech Difficulty
A woman might become confused during a stroke. She might find it difficult to speak and understand what others say.
Headache and Impaired Vision
A severe headache that comes on suddenly can be a sign of a stroke, according to Harvard Medical School. A woman might have trouble seeing, or she might lose her vision altogether. The eyes can become difficult to move during a stroke.
Dizziness and Loss of Coordination
Women commonly experience dizziness and loss of balance and coordination during a stroke. These symptoms, along with numbness and weakness, can cause staggering and make walking difficult.
Other Symptoms Unique to Women
In addition to the usual stroke symptoms, women may also experience hiccups, nausea, shortness of breath and heart palpitations, according to the National Stroke Association.
Act F.A.S.T.
The National Stroke Association offers the "Act F.A.S.T." acronym to help you determine if someone is having a stroke. F.A.S.T. stands for face, arms, speech and time. You should ask someone suspected of having a stroke to smile to see if one side of the face droops, to raise their arms to see if one arm drifts down and to repeat a sentence to see if speech is normal. The “T” for time should help you remember to seek immediate medical attention if any of the symptoms are present.