Factors Affecting Stroke Recovery
Stroke Severity
Stroke severity can greatly influence your ability to achieve recovery after your stroke. Unsurprisingly, suffering a more severe stroke generally offers less hope for a successful recovery.
Start of Stroke Rehabilitation
The sooner you begin stroke rehabilitation, the better your chances are for a satisfactory stroke recovery. Prompt rehabilitation is not always possible, however, due to stroke complications.
Financial Resources
Stroke rehabilitation services can be expensive and are not always covered by health insurance. Your stroke recovery may be affected by your ability to afford the rehabilitation services you need.
Stroke Recovery Team
Your stroke recovery team will likely play a large role in your recovery, so the skill of your team can influence the quality of your stroke recovery.
Time Spent on Rehabilitation
Your recovery from stroke may be affected by how much effort and time you are willing to devote to your rehabilitation.
Support Network
Having a strong support system of friends and relatives may boost your likelihood of successfully recovering after your stroke.