Is Stiffening of Limbs a Sign of Stroke?
People who suffer a stroke have been known to experience a stiffening or shortening of the muscles and tendons in their limbs. This leads to difficulty walking, paralysis on one or both sides of the body, dizziness and loss of coordination. Stroke victims may also suffer weakness or numbness in their limbs. Furthermore, stroke victims may experience muscular spasms in their limbs, which leads to rhythmic shaking of the ankles and fingers.
Stroke occurs when the blood supply to the brain is dramatically altered. A lack of blood supply to the brain is known as ischemic stroke. A flooding of the brain with blood is known as hemorrhagic stroke. Ischemic strokes can be caused by blockage of the arteries resulting from a blood clot or fatty deposits. Hemorrhagic strokes are caused by a leaking or rupturing of the blood vessels in the brain. This can result from trauma to the head or aneurysms.
Stiff limbs can be caused by certain neurological or autoimmune disorders, such as stiff-person syndrome. Stiffness of the arm and leg muscles can occur from overuse, repetitive motion or lack of nutrients. Stiffness may also result from injury to the limbs.
If you suffer from limb stiffness or spasticity, try to remain active and mobile. Engaging in exercises that provide good range of motion for your limbs, such as yoga or t'ai chi, for five or 10 minutes multiple times per day may help restore mobility. Taking a warm bath or applying heating pads to spastic limbs may help reduce involuntary movement. Physical therapy may also be prescribed to stroke victims to help restore use to numb or weakened limbs.
Strokes can have life-threatening complications. If you suffer from stiff, weak or numb limbs and have recently experienced head trauma or dizziness, speak to a doctor or medical professional immediately. Strokes are treatable but can be fatal or cause irreparable damage to the brain if you do not get appropriate treatment shortly after they occur.