How to Tell If You Have Had a Mild Stroke
Recognize the signs of a mild stroke. Check to see if your loved has developed numbness that only affects one side of his body. Ask him questions, such as if he knows his name to determine if he is suffering from confusion.
Watch to see if your loved one is having difficulty in maintaining his balance. Look for signs dizziness, loss of balance, and lost coordination.
Ask your loved one if he's developed a severe headache, if you suspect that your loved one is suffering from a mild stroke. Strokes can be accompanied by a sudden headache that comes out of nowhere.
Listen to your loved one's speech. If his speech becomes garbled or difficult to understand, he may have suffered a mild stroke.
Seek medical assistance immediately when you suspect that your loved one has suffered a mild stroke or a TIA. A TIA can lead to a stroke, which can result in complications such as lasting brain damage.