How to Prevent Stroke Naturally
Things You'll Need
- Exercise plan
- Diet plan
- Herbs
- Routine check-ups
How to Prevent Stroke Naturally
Reduce your sodium intake. Whether you are preparing a home-cooked meal or going out to dinner, be mindful of the amount of salt you consume. Foods that are high in sodium can lead to heart disease and/or stroke. A diet that is high in sodium increases your risk for high blood pressure. You should turn down the salt and find other ways to put flavor in your food. You can replace salt with herbs and spices. Also, when you do your grocery shopping, be sure to check the labels on packaged foods. Many people don't realize that their favorite items are high in sodium.
Change your eating habits. This is essential in preventing a stroke. Eating healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables may sound cliche, but it is your ticket to better health. Changing your eating habits is going to take hard work and perseverance, but if you are serious about your life, you will need to bear down and make the healthier choices. Your diet determines your entire life. If you eat poorly, you will have poor health. Get smart and watch what you eat.
Exercise on a regular basis. Getting oxygen flowing to the brain through physical activity will make you feel great and prevent you from being overweight, which is a major cause of stroke and heart attacks. Exercising at least three times a week will help blood and oxygen flow to the brain. Your physician can help you map out an exercise plan that will work for your specific age and needs.
Eliminate smoking. Smoking can increase your blood pressure, which can lead to a stroke. Also, since smoking greatly affects the lungs, it also decreases your ability to exercise. Smoking slows the blood flow and greatly decreases the chances of oxygen flowing properly to your brain. Millions of smokers are diagnosed with cardiovascular disease each year. To improve your health, consider the harmful effects from smoking and eliminate cigarettes.
Try natural herb supplements. There are a number of herbs that are great for improving the flow of blood throughout the body. Cinnamon, ginger and ginkgo biloba are just a few that you can find at your local general nutrition store for stroke prevention.