| | Conditions Treatments | Stroke
How to Determine if Someone is Having a Stroke
Things You'll Need
- Phone (for calling 911 if necessary)
Look for weakness or numbness in the body, especially on one side. Stroke victims sometimes suddenly fall or stumble. If the person can speak and respond to you, ask if he or she feels weakness or numbness in the arms, face or legs.
Watch for indications of confusion and disorientation. The person may act as if he doesn't know what's going on or where he is. She may not be able to answer simple questions such as her name, date of birth, or family members' names.
Determine if the person's speech is slurred or jumbled.
Ask the person if he can see clearly. If he cannot answer, check if he is squinting or blinking rapidly.
Notice if the person grips her head suddenly or complains of a sudden, severe headache.