Range of Motion Exercises After a Stroke
Hand Wall Climbing
This exercise will help increase the range of motion in your shoulders. Stand about six to 12 inches away from a wall. Place your hands against the wall and bend your elbows. Work your hands up the wall as far as you can. Hold for five seconds, and then walk back down to shoulder level. Do 10 reps a day and try to work your way up to 20 reps. This exercise should only be done if you feel comfortable standing after a stroke. If you don't feel comfortable standing while doing this exercise, sit in a chair. You don't have to alter anything else in this exercise. Move your chair close to the wall and work your hands up.
Back Scratcher
This exercise is incredibly simple, and it helps work your shoulders and arms. Start by standing with your feet shoulder width apart. Take one hand and bend it behind your back near your waist. Move it upwards, as if you were scratching your back, until you reach your neck. Put your hand by your side and do the same with the other arm. Stretch each arm as far as you can, reaching the other side of your torso if possible. This exercise can also be done sitting down or, if necessary, performed with help. If you can't move your arm for yourself, have an aide or physical therapist move your arm for you.
Pedaling will help improve the range of motion in your legs. Lie on your back and hold your feet in the air. Breathe deeply and relax. If you need help with this movement, ask a friend or physical therapist for help. With your feet lifted, start pedaling your legs as fast as you feel comfortable. Pedal for at least five minutes for the best effect. Don't pedal any more than you feel comfortable as you can end up damaging your legs even further. Try to build up to at least 10 minutes a day for maximum effect.