| | Conditions Treatments | Stroke
Warning Signs of Impending Stroke
Slurred words or forgetting your words may be signs of a stroke.
If you feel weak or numb in your arms, legs or face, that can be a stroke warning sign, especially if the weakness is on one side of the body.
Trouble seeing out of one eye---blurry or double vision--is a sign of an impending stroke.
Feeling dizzy or off-balance and having trouble walking are stroke warning signs.
One warning sign of an impending stroke is a severe headache. You may also have neck or facial pain or vomiting.
Transient Ischemic Attack
A transient ischemic attack (TIA) is like a temporary stroke---the blood flow to your brain is cut off for just a short while. Symptoms appear for up to 24 hours, and then go away, without any noticeable permanent effect. A TIA can put you at risk of a stroke.