How to Speed Up Recovery From a Stroke
Begin stroke rehabilitation as soon as possible, while you're still in the hospital. The sooner you begin stroke rehab, the sooner you'll recover your lost skills.
Work with hospital social workers to decide whether your rehabilitation will take place in outpatient units for several hours a day three days a week, in an inpatient unit for two or three weeks receiving three or more hours of therapy a day, in a nursing home specializing in rehab, or a home-based program. The option you choose will depend on what your insurance will cover, what your needs are, and what is most convenient for you and your family.
Work on exercises to relearn lost abilities and strengthen your muscles. The more you practice the quicker you'll recover. Take advantage of aids, equipment and therapy for a quicker recovery.
Strengthen your motor skills, range of motion, mobility, and weakened muscles by exercising, learning new ways to make tasks easier to do, and practicing basic skills repeatedly.
Recover strength in weakened limbs faster by using constraint-induced or forced-use therapy. The limbs that have been affected by the stroke are constrained so you're forced to use the weaker one. The more you use the weak limbs the quicker you'll regain your abilities.
Consider using electrical stimulation on weak muscles to force them to contract. This can help your muscles learn to function in less time.
Attend psychological therapy and join a support group if you have a hard time controlling your emotions. Encourage friends and relatives to take part in your rehab and to cooperate with your medical rehabilitation specialists. Antidepressants may be prescribed. Keeping your spirits up, having a positive attitude, and having a good support network are important to recovering quickly from a stroke.