How to Know If Someone Is Having a Stroke

A stroke is also known as a brain attack and it occurs when there is either too much or too little blood in the brain. This is a serious medical condition and it can lead to other health complications or even death. Therefore, it is important to know if someone is having a stroke and there are a few ways to identify the commons signs of a stroke.


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      Verify whether or not that person is experiencing numbness in his body. Stroke victims often have a sudden numbness or paralysis in an arm, leg or in their face and the numbness normally happens on one side of the body.

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      Determine if that person is having difficulty speaking to you. When someone is having a stroke, she may suddenly have problems speaking clearly and her words may sound slurred.

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      Ask the victim about his vision. He may suddenly have trouble seeing you or other objects around him. The victim may also experience blurred or double vision, or even have a decrease in his vision level.

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      Look for signs of dizziness. A stroke can make a person suddenly feel very dizzy. The victim may lose her balance while standing and you may even see her stumbling while trying to walk.

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      Check to see if that person has a headache. Quite often, when a person has a stroke, he may suddenly have a painful and severe headache without a known reason or cause. Also, look for other signs such as a stiff neck, vomiting or facial pain, along with the headache.

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      Decide if she is in a state of confusion. When a person is having a stroke, she may suddenly find herself confused and have problems remembering things. Ask her to state her name, address, date of birth, or other basic questions that can confirm whether or not she is experiencing any confusion.

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