How to Control Speech Problems From Stroke
Make an appointment with a speech therapist for an evaluation. After you experience a stroke, your doctor will provide you with the name of a recommended speech therapist to help you work on your communication skills.
Set up a schedule for your speech therapy. Some therapists recommend two hour sessions weekly to help with your speech problems. However, researchers have found more frequent three hour sessions have helped people more.
Ask about CIAT or constraint-induced aphasia therapy. Through CIAT, you'll spend a lot of time training yourself to learn to speak clearly again. To help you get through this process, your therapist will give you language games to play as well.
Try to speak. Although you should learn hand gestures to help you communicate, therapists have found more improvement in patients who attempt to talk often. Ask your friends and family members to help you through the process and bear with you while you work on your speech.