How to Look After People With Strokes
Things You'll Need
- Blank cards, at least 5-by-7 inches
- Pictures of friends, family and familiar objects and activities
- Glue
Help the person to get out of the house as often as possible. According to the Mayo Clinic, getting out is good for the patient, even if it is a slow and difficult process requiring a wheelchair, a walker or a cane.
Talk to the stroke victim. Speech problems often are part of having had a stroke. Conversation can help the person to regain confidence and develop new ways to communicate. You may need to probe a bit to find out what the person is trying to say, as she may not be able to come up with the correct words. Be patient.
Make cue cards to help the patient communicate when he isn't able to speak, or can't say what he means. Use cards that are large enough to be easy to see and comfortable for the victim to hold. Glue pictures of common activities that the person might want to do, such as use the bathroom, watch a favorite TV show or eat a meal. Also represent common words on the cards, such as favorite foods and various friends, family members and pets.
Assist the physically disabled person as much as possible. A stroke victim often cannot move one side of her body and may need assistance getting in and out of bed, eating, sitting up, going to the bathroom or moving around the house.
Work with the victim as he goes through rehabilitation. Practice new skills at home with him. As he becomes able to do activities on his own, stop doing them for him. Ideally the stroke victim will be able to take care of his personal needs after he has completed a rehabilitation program. However, the patient needs to practice the skills every day to retain what he has learned.