Symptoms of Micro Strokes
Balance and Coordination Issues
An abnormal sensation of movement (vertigo) and dizziness is a common symptom of a TIA, caused by the sudden lack of blood in the brain. An abrupt loss of coordination and balance can occur, as well as difficulties with walking, reading or writing and swallowing.
Numbness and Weakness
A TIA may cause numbness and tingling. Sudden muscle weakness or paralysis of the arm, leg or face is also common. Any numbness, tingling or weakness usually occurs on only one side of the body. If the TIA occurs in the left hemisphere of the brain, the right side of the body will be affected; a TIA in the right hemisphere will cause symptoms on the left side of the body.
Speech and Vision Problems
Garbled or slurred speech is a TIA symptom that is seen especially if the muscle weakness affects the right side of the body, since the speech center is located in the left hemisphere of the brain. Difficulty comprehending the speech of others can also occur. If the TIA affects the blood supply to the eyes, double vision or sudden blindness in either or both eyes may take place.
Other Symptoms
It's possible for a TIA to cause a wide variety of other symptoms, including confusion, memory loss, personality changes and emotional or mood changes. Variations in alertness, such as being unusually sleepy, unconscious or comatose are possible. Other physical symptoms range from changes in sensation -- involving taste, smell, hearing, touch and temperature -- to lack of bladder or bowel control. A drop attack, where the victim suddenly falls without warning, can result from a TIA at the base of the brain.
The American Stroke Association calls a TIA a "warning stroke" since about one-third of people who experience a TIA have a stroke within a year. People affected by a TIA have the opportunity to act and prevent a permanent stroke from occurring. By recognizing TIA symptoms and going to the hospital, people can get help in identifying the causes of the TIA and receive treatment, through surgery or medication, to avoid a stroke in the future.