How to Get More Mobility Back After a Stroke
Consult your doctor. Stroke patients are referred to a physician after being discharged from the hospital. Physicians are primarily responsible for overseeing the long-term care of stroke patients. They can recommend which rehabilitation programs, aimed at building up mobility and possibly re-learning some physical activities, are best suited to the patient's individual needs. They also put the patient in touch with rehabilitation nurses, who are trained to help with the basic activities of daily living and can advise caregivers. Physicians also put patients in touch with physical therapists and occupational therapists, who work with stroke survivors to improve motor and sensory activities.
Follow an individualized rehabilitation program. This is achieved by working closely with a physical therapist recommended by a doctor. They assess physical endurance, range of motion and sensory problems and work closely with you to help you regain control over motor functions, build up mobility and regain independence. A physical therapist will establish a continuing exercise program. This therapy may involve helping the patient to practice simple and complex movements, such as walking up and down stairs, which require coordination and balance.
Eat healthily. A healthy, well-balanced diet helps your body to cope with the demands of physical therapy. It also helps control blood pressure and body weight, lessening the risk of having another stroke. Aim to eat five or more servings of fruit and vegetables each day and avoid unhealthy fats. Eat fish and nuts and use vegetable oils containing healthy fats.