Mnemonic & Stroke
Stroke Significance
A stroke occurs when a blood clot forms in a vein or artery and blocks blood flow to the brain. Depending on the severity of the stroke, a person may be partially paralyzed, lose the ability to speak or suffer other disabilities. Prompt medical attention can reduce the damage.
Mnemonic Function
A mnemonic is a language tool that sparks the memory and helps you remember pieces of information. A "first letter mnemonic" uses the first letter of each word in a list to spell out a new word that is significant and easy to remember.
Stroke Mnemonic
"FAST" is the first letter mnemonic for stroke symptoms. The "F" stands for Face -- does one side droop when smiling? The "A" is for Arms -- is one weaker or numb? The "S" is for Speech -- is speech slurred? Can the person repeat words correctly? The "T" stands for Time -- Time is critical when treating a stroke victim. Get medical attention immediately.