How long should you be in diet for mild typhoid?
During this time, you should eat foods that are easy to digest and that will not irritate your stomach. These include:
* Rice
* Oatmeal
* Bananas
* Applesauce
* Yogurt
* Soup
* Fish
* Chicken
* Vegetables
* Fruits
You should also avoid eating foods that are high in fiber, as these can be difficult to digest and may cause diarrhea. You should also avoid drinking alcohol and smoking, as these can worsen the symptoms of typhoid.
After you have been on a bland diet for 2-3 weeks, you can gradually start to add other foods back into your diet. However, you should still avoid eating foods that are high in fiber or that may irritate your stomach.
If you have any questions about what you should eat during your diet for mild typhoid, you should talk to your doctor.