How to Identify Symptoms of Thyroid Problems
The thyroid gland is an essential part of the human body. Located in the front of the neck, the thyroid is shaped like a butterfly with two winged sides connected in the middle. The thyroid is controlled by the pituitary gland, and when it is not working properly, most people feel unwell. The thyroid gland regulates the body's energy, the use of hormones and vitamins and the growth and maturation of body tissues. It does so by converting iodine found in the foods you eat into thyroid hormone. Whether it makes too much or too little thyroid hormone, determines if you are hypo or hyperthyroid. Some people have neither condition and go through life being completely unaffected. If you are suffering with an undetected thyroid disorder, you may have just a few symptoms, or all of them.Things You'll Need
- A keen awareness of your symptoms, and changes in your body
- An endocrinologist
Pay close attention to your weight. If you experience unexplained weight loss or weight gain, this could be a symptom of thyroid disease.
Notice if you are having problems with depression or anxiety, that may be out of the ordinary for you. These symptoms go hand in hand with thyroid disease. Although they may be a sign of other problems, they still may be a symptom.
Check for brittle nails, and dry skin and hair during your grooming routine. These are also symptoms.
Take note of your metabolism. Do you have irritable bowel syndrome or constipation? These are both potential symptoms.
Question your fatigue, weakness or lack of motivation. If this is out of the ordinary for you, maybe you have thyroid disease.
Keep a journal of any female problems you may be having. Many women don't know that some of the problems that they are having with their cycle may be related to an underlying thyroid disorder.
Feeling excessively cold or warm may signify either hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism respectively.