Nursing diagnosis and nursing management for thyroiditis?
1. Acute pain related to inflammation and swelling of the thyroid gland.
2. Impaired skin integrity related to surgical incision or radiation therapy.
3. Imbalanced nutrition: Less than body requirements related to decreased appetite, nausea, and vomiting.
4. Fatigue related to the effects of thyroid hormone deficiency.
5. Anxiety related to the uncertainty of the diagnosis and treatment.
Nursing Management:
1. Acute pain:
* Assess the severity and location of pain.
* Administer pain medication as prescribed.
* Apply cold compresses to the neck.
* Encourage rest and relaxation.
* Teach relaxation techniques.
2. Impaired skin integrity:
* Assess the surgical incision or radiation therapy site for signs of infection, such as redness, swelling, drainage, and pain.
* Change dressings as needed.
* Keep the area clean and dry.
* Apply antibiotic ointment as prescribed.
3. Imbalanced nutrition: Less than body requirements:
* Assess the patient's nutritional status.
* Provide a high-calorie, high-protein diet.
* Encourage small frequent meals.
* Offer nutrient-rich snacks.
* Supplement with vitamins and minerals as needed.
4. Fatigue:
* Assess the patient's activity tolerance.
* Encourage rest and relaxation.
* Plan activities to avoid overexertion.
* Teach energy conservation techniques.
5. Anxiety:
* Assess the patient's level of anxiety.
* Provide information about the diagnosis and treatment.
* Encourage the patient to express their feelings.
* Teach relaxation techniques.
* Refer to a mental health professional if needed.