Signs & Symptoms of a Cold Thyroid Nodule
Enlarged Lymph Nodes
Usually the only real symptom of a thyroid problem is swollen, also called enlarged, lymph nodes. Sometimes the lymph nodes can be swollen enough that you will be able to see them when you look at yourself in the mirror. However, more than likely, you will not even know you have swollen lymph nodes and a thyroid node until your doctor discovers it during a routine exam. The swollen lymph can gradually appear or grow rapidly over a short period of time.
Changes in Normal Functions
Depending on the size of the nodule, it may begin to press against your windpipe and esophagus. If this occurs, you can experience a change in normal, everyday functions. For example, if the nodule is pressing against your esophagus, it can restrict your ability to swallow. Or, if it is pressing against your windpipe you may develop breathing problems. Commonly, if breathing is restricted, you will feel like you are trying to take your breaths through a straw. Also, if the nodule is against one of the nerves for the voice box, hoarseness or other changes in voice can occur and will not go away. In other instances, the nodule can irritate the throat enough to cause a persistent cough that is not related to a cold. In any of these instances, there may be pain associated with the nodule. The pain can occur in the neck or the jaw and from time to time will radiate up to the ear.
Hyperthyroidism Symptoms
Occasionally, the thyroid nodule can be comprised of thyroid cells, which act like the actual thyroid, producing hormones that your body does not need. This can result in symptoms of hyperthyroidism, or in other words, an over-active thyroid. Symptoms of hyperthyroidism include sweating, irritability, shaky hands, loss of sleep and weakened muscles. You may also find you are eating normally, but losing weight or if you are a woman, you may find that your periods become erratic.