How to Take a Cytomel Cycle
Consult a physician if you think you suffer from hypothyroidism. After a positive diagnosis, your doctor can prescribe Cytomel.
Begin taking 25 mcg daily to treat mild hypothyroidism. Liothyronine comes as an oral tablet that you take in a single dose before breakfast.
Increase the dosage to arrive at a standard maintenance dosage between 25 and 75 mcg daily. Until your body becomes acclimated to Cytomel, you may not notice any improvement in your condition for about two weeks However, after this point, you can begin increasing the amount you take by 25mcg daily every 1 or 2 weeks.
Tell your doctor if you think the dosage is too low and you begin to again experience symptoms of hypothyroidism. These symptoms can include sudden weight loss or weight gain, fatigue, increased sensitivity to cold, impaired growth, slow speech, loss of hair and a drying or thickening of the skin.
Avoid taking more Cytomel than directed and consult your physician if you feel the dosage is excessive. Signs of too much Cytomel may include nervousness, excess sweating, difficulty sleeping, labored breathing, leg cramps, hives, chest pain, menstrual irregularities, irregular heartbeat, diarrhea and headache. Overdose symptoms can range from abdominal pain, chest pain and irregular heartbeat to shock, cardiac arrest and congestive heart failure.
Keep taking Cytomel unless your doctor advises you to stop, even if you begin to feel healthy and are showing signs of a normal metabolism. Patients suffering from hypothyroidism that requires Cytomel usually must take the drug for the rest of their lives.