How to Raise Your TSH Levels
TSH, or Thyroid Support Hormone, is a hormone secreted by the pituitary gland to supplement thyroid hormones. The easiest way to measure thyroid function is to measure levels of TSH, which tends to inversely correlate with thyroid hormone levels. A low TSH level usually indicates that thyroid hormone levels are abnormally high, causing the pituitary gland to stop secreting this supplementary hormone. In rare cases, low TSH levels can be symptoms of inadequate pituitary function.Instructions
Eat foods that inhibit thyroid function. Vegetables in the brassica family can suppress thyroid function, lowering levels of thyroid hormone and causing the pituitary gland to secrete more TSH in order to compensate. These vegetables include cabbage, kale, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, mustard greens and kohlrabi. Dairy and soy products can lead to lower thyroid hormone levels and higher TSH levels as well.
Speak to your doctor about taking antithyroid medications such as Methimazole or propylthiouracil if your suffer from Graves, disease, which is characterized by overproduction of thyroid hormone and consequent reduced production of Thyroid Support Hormone. Symptoms of Graves' disease include rapid or irregular heartbeat, bulging eyes, weight loss, anxiety and increased perspiration.
Speak to your doctor about reducing your dose of synthetic thyroid hormone medication if you suffer from hypothyroidism. If the dosage of your thyroid medication is too high, this can cause your TSH level to drop, so taking a lower dose can raise your TSH level back to the normal range. Take a blood test six weeks after changing the dosage of your thyroid medication to reassess your TSH level.