Prednisone & Thyroid Disease

People with Graves' disease, a disorder of the thyroid, sometimes experience visual symptoms. In these situations, the steroid prednisone is used to reduce inflammation.
  1. Identification

    • People with Graves' disease may experience eyes that are dry, itchy, red and swollen. In some cases, they will also experience double vision.


    • Your doctor may prescribe the steroid prednisone to provide relief from the visual symptoms and irritation.


    • Prednisone use is only recommend for a short time, however, since the drug has many side effects such as mood swings and weight gain.


    • Once the use of prednisone is discontinued, your symptoms will most likely return.


    • According to the New York Thyroid Center, 5 percent of people with the disease will experience visual loss due to swelling. Prednisone, used in conjunction with other therapies, will be prescribed in this situation.

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