White Iodine to Help an Underactive Thyroid
Sources and Safety of Iodine
You can get iodine by consuming foods like kelp, shellfish, marine fish and iodized salt. Because iodine doesn’t survive boiling or frying, you may not get as much from salt as you would expect. The U.S. Recommended Daily Allowance of iodine is 15 micrograms (0.15 mg). According to Michael D. Schacter, M.D., this is barely enough to keep people from developing a goiter, one symptom of hypothyroidism.
Some people fear the effects of too much iodine in their diet. Excessive amounts over a period of time can cause the thyroid to lower or stop hormone production, leaving it open to autoimmune attack. In other words, your body mistakes your thyroid for an invader and your white blood cells attack it. But this is unlikely to happen. NHAMES III (a national nutrition survey) conducted from 1988 to 1994 showed that 15 percent of American women were deficient in iodine. In 2000, this study concluded that iodine levels in America were steadily declining. In Japan, where there are far fewer incidences of hypothyroidism, the average person consumes approximately 13mg of iodine per day from various seaweeds and fish, nearly 100 times the amount of the U.S. RDA.
Iodine Supplementation
If you are diagnosed with hypothyroidism, or underactive thyroid, ask your physician to test your iodine levels by doing what’s called a “load test.” This will let you know whether you are iodine-deficient.
If that's the case, drink two to six drops of iodine added to a glass of apple juice or filtered water daily. This will supply you with approximately 12mg. You can also place the drops directly on your skin; the sole of your foot is an inconspicuous place. Iodine is available in a decolorized, or “white,” solution. You may prefer to use this to avoid staining your clothing or skin.