Ingredients to Avoid for Thyroid Disease
High doses of cadmium (over 40 mcg) can cause you to become hyperthyroid. Cadmium, found in some imported chocolates and brown rice, interferes with zinc metabolism, which is important for your thyroid to operate properly.
If you are hyperthyroid and have just begun treatment, it is wise to avoid fruit until your hyperthyroidism is under control. Fruit sugars can promote a deficiency in copper, which can cause or aggravate hyperthyroidism.
Sulfur can also deplete the amount of copper in your body. It is best to stay away from sulfur exposure in foods. Sulfur can be found in egg yolks, for example.
Avoid foods high in goitrogens, as they impair the functioning of your thyroid. Turnips, Brussels sprouts, radishes, apricots and millet are high in goitrogens, but cooking generally neutralizes goitrogens.
Monosodium glutamate
Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is a flavoring agent that can work against your hypothalamus and contribute further to hypothyroidism. It can be found in some processed meat and in Chinese food.