What Is a Low Thyroid Function Level?
General Thyroid Functions
The thyroid gland is located in your neck. It is responsible for producing thyroid hormones T3 and T4.
The thyroid helps regulate your metabolism and your body's ability to process iodine (or salt).
Low Thyroid Levels
A low thyroid level is often called hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid). Low thyroid levels mean that your thyroid gland isn't producing enough T3 and/or T4 hormone(s).
Causes for hypothyroidism vary from cancer or an abnormal growth to an autoimmune disorder in which your body actually attacks the thyroid gland.
Symptoms of hypothyroidism include fatigue, depression, dry skin, brittle hair and nails, and feeling cold most of the time.
Diagnosis of hypothyroidism includes a physical exam and blood tests for both T3 and T4 hormones.
If the blood tests show your thyroid hormone levels are low, your doctor will likely want to begin some form of treatment. Your doctor may also ask about your family history to see if any of your relatives have had thyroid diseases.
There is no cure for hypothyroidism. However, treatments are available to help you cope with the disease. The most common form of treatment is a thyroid-replacement hormone pill. Your doctor will prescribe the dosage based on your blood tests. You should have your thyroid levels tested twice a year after that.
Alternative thyroid treatments focus on nutrition. Eating foods high in selenium, folic acid, and iodine (salt) may help your thyroid function normally. Always consult your doctor before beginning any type of treatment.