Natural Ways to Support the Thyroid
Many years ago people developed goiter (enlarged thyroid) due the lack of iodine in their diet. Today in the U.S. goiter is relatively rare because iodine is added to salt. But if you are on a low-sodium (salt) diet due to blood pressure concerns, it may be necessary to take iodine supplements. Sea salt contains natural amounts of iodine. It follows that any food from the sea (fish, shellfish, seaweed) has higher concentrations of iodine than fresh water food sources. Nutrients affect each other in the body. For example, if you are low in selenium, it may make an iodine deficiency worse.
Most supplements that boost or support your thyroid gland are formulas that contain iodine as well as vitamins like B and D. Men and women age 65 or older should have a thyroid test to determine the level of thyroid function by measuring T3 and T4--the important thyroid hormones.
Water is essential to all bodily functions. Adequate water intake is important to the thyroid simply because dehydration will affect the thyroid's function. Aim for 91 ounces or about 11 cups of water daily (this includes coffee, tea, all beverages, fruits and vegetables).
For Women Only...
Women are seven times more likely to develop thyroid problems than men and a woman has a one in five chance of developing a thyroid issue in her lifetime. Women who are pregnant may get a warning. If a woman develops pre-eclampsia or high blood pressure during pregnancy, she is likely to have an under-active thyroid later in life. The American Thyroid Association recommends that women receive 150 µg iodine supplements daily during pregnancy and lactation and that all prenatal vitamin/mineral preparations contain 150 µg of iodine. It's best to take iodine supplements rather than kelp formulations.