How to Eat Healthy To Have A Healthy Thyroid
first, you should try and eat more foods that are low- glycemic, these are foods that will not elevate your blood sugarvery rapidly and are not to processed.
Secondly, certain raw foods, contain goitrogens which are substances that impair the manufacturing of thyroid hormones. Some of these foods are broccoli, cauliflower, kale,cabbage, brussel sprouts, radishes, peanuts, pie nuts peaches, apricots, and strawberries. These are healthy foods but should only be eaten cooked.
Third, it is good to eat more complex carbohydrates. such as whole grains and vegetables. These will increase trytophan and serotonin levels which prevent depression another side effect of thyroid issues.
Fourth, you want to eat good essential fats, your thyroid requires these fats to work properly. The best fats are Omega 3's,. Consuming olive oil, eating avocados and other vegetable oils will increase your intake of these good fats.
Lastly, you want to make sure your diet includes salmon, tuna, herring and sardines that all prevent autoimmune attacks on the thyroid. Along weith eating these fish it is a good idea to take Omega 3 fatty acid supplements if you are dealing with thyroid issues.