Natural Ways to Help Maintain a Healthy Thyroid
Add Coconut Oil
Improve thyroid functioning and weight loss by taking coconut oil daily. Coconut oil is high in medium-chain fats, which are healthy for the body and help increase the metabolism and support the thyroid gland. By eating coconut oil daily, the thyroid gland can be encouraged to work at its best, and the body's systems can work better. Take around 1 to 2 tbsp. of coconut oil per day to promote thyroid health and weight loss. Coconut oil is easily spread onto toast or rice cakes, and should not be heated.
Increase Metabolism
Increase metabolism to offset the effects of a dysfunctional thyroid by following a low-impact, yet highly aerobic workout routine. Low-impact workouts that are highly aerobic include speed-walking, bicycling, stair-stepping, and lap swimming. These exercises will burn a large number of calories per hour, yet will be easy on the joints and bones. Aerobic exercises stretch the lungs, allowing for the lungs to have a greater capacity, which will in turn bring more oxygen to the blood. When the blood reaches the muscles, it will help the muscles receive more oxygen and feel more energized, and will help the systems work better. Oxygen will allow the metabolism to function properly and burn more calories, resulting in quicker weight loss.
Replace Missing Thyroid Hormones Naturally
Take a natural hormone replacement that will replace the thyroid hormone in the body that is not being produced by the thyroid gland. When there is a lack of thyroid hormone in the body, the body will burn calories more slowly. By increasing thyroid hormone in the body, it will help the metabolism speed up, resulting in a greater caloric burn throughout the day. An increase in thyroid hormone will also help the circulatory, nervous, and digestive systems work correctly. Many people take a natural thyroid replacement hormone such as Armour Thyroid, which supplies the body with thyroid hormone from dessicated swine thyroid. Taking a natural thyroid replacement hormone instead of a chemically produced thyroid hormone will give the body both T4 and T3, which many people find gives them more energy.