How to Convert Armour Thyroid to Levothyroxine
Things You'll Need
- Armour Thyroid
- Levothyroxine
Calculate the dosage that your current level of Armour Thyroid and translate it to Levothyroxine: (15 milligrams of Armour Thyroid is .025 milligrams of Levothyroxine; 30 mg of AT = .05 mg of LV; 60 mg of AT = .1 mg of LV; 90 mg of AT = .15 mg of LV; 120 mg of AT = .2 mg of LV; 180 mg of AT = .3 mg of LV).
Multiply higher doses of Armour Thyroid by Levothyroxine. For example, Armour Thyroid has pills with 200 or 300 milligrams. Levothyroxine does not have a single equivalent match to this, so patients would calculate extra pills. Someone who takes 300 milligrams of Armour Thyroid would take .5 of Levothyroxine (.1 milligram = 60 milligrams). The patient may take 1.5 of the .3 milligram version of Levothyroxine (cutting the pill).
Visit your doctor or endocrinologist to determine the best way to convert the medication. For some conversions (such as the example above), there is no exact way to get the pills to match up. The doctor will run blood tests to ensure your health is satisfactory as the new medication works its way through your system.