Water Retention, Edema and Thyroid Disease
Definition of Edema
Edema is another term for water retention. Hands, feet and other body parts swell and look puffy when the body's tissues retain too much fluid.
Causes of Edema
Many health conditions and medications, as well as menstrual changes and pregnancy, can cause edema. The thyroid disease most commonly linked with edema is hypothyroidism, a condition in which the thyroid is under-active and the body's metabolism is slowed.
How Thyroid Disease Causes Edema
Hypothyroidism causes the body's functions to slow down, including the lymphatic system. When thyroid disease slows the drainage of the body's lymph nodes, this contributes to fluid retention.
Areas Most Commonly Affected
Edema is usually most noticeable in the hands, arms, ankles and feet. However, edema, or puffiness, in the face is also a classic symptom of hypothyroidism.
If water retention is caused by a thyroid condition, getting proper treatment---including thyroid hormone replacement medication---will often improve that symptom. Lifestyle changes, such as limiting salty food and staying active, can also help the body pass excess fluid.