Can Thyroid Problems Be Inherited?
Resistance to Thyroid Hormone
A specific mutation in the TRB gene causes the body to become resistant to the effects of thyroid hormone (TH). This genetic disorder causes short stature, hyperactivity and learning disabilities.
Pendred's Syndrome
Pendred's Syndrome is a genetic defect that limits the ability of the body to make TH from iodine. The body compensates for this by continually attempting to make TH. Penred's syndrome also causes goiter and profound deafness.
An insufficient supply of TH is known as hypothyroidism. This may have a genetic cause if it's present at birth. Hypothyroidism that occurs later probably doesn't have a genetic component.
Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone
Mutations in the thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) receptor can cause insensitivity to TSH which results in elevated TSH levels, also known as hyperthyroidism.
Graves' Disease
Graves' disease is an autoimmune disorder that results in a form of hyperthyroidism. It's caused by a mutation in the genes that control the immune system.