Weight Loss for Thyroidectomy Patients
Hormone Replacement
After a thyroid removal surgery, you will not produce the thyroid hormone. This condition is called hypothyroidism and some people suffer from it with an intact thyroid. The condition can cause unexplained weight gain, among other symptoms.
Hormone replacement is a part of your postoperative recovery and may help with weight gain after a thyroidectomy. The thyroid hormone is responsible for the body's ability to burn calories and is an essential part of your ability to lose weight. Discuss hormone replacement therapy with your doctor before the thyroidectomy.
Several factors will determine whether you are able to lose weight after the surgery with hormone replacement therapy. Monitor your weight loss to determine if you are being treated appropriately with thyroid hormones. It is possible that you are not using enough of the hormone or it is not absorbing properly. Calcium supplements and other supplements may interfere with the absorption of thyroid hormones. When you are having difficulty losing weight with hormone replacement, discuss what might be preventing weight loss with your doctor.
Balanced Diet
A low-calorie, balanced diet along with hormone replacement therapy is necessary to lose weight. Just because you are taking hormones that will help your metabolism does not mean that you can neglect your diet.
A balanced diet should include 30 percent of calories from protein, 30 percent from healthy fats and 40 percent from complex carbohydrates. A diet of lean proteins such as fish and chicken along with healthy fat from olive or canola oil is the best approach to weight loss after a thyroidectomy. Complex carbohydrates come from fruits and vegetables along with whole grains. Stay away from processed foods and products containing white flour for a better nutritional bang for your buck.
It may be more difficult to lose weight after a thyroidectomy, but a balanced diet is a vital component.
Aim for 30 minutes of weight-bearing exercise such as walking or running every day. If you have difficulty reaching 30 minutes, do as much as you can and gradually build up to the 30-minute goal. Exercise, along with your hormone replacement, will help burn the calories consumed on your balanced diet.