CO Q 10 & Thyroid Problems
According to cardiologist, Stephen Sinatra, M.D., F.A.C.C., F.A.C.N, thyroid disease can further rob your body of CoQ10, possibly resulting in heart failure. Supplementing with CoQ10 may be the key if you have been diagnosed with thyroid problems.
Your thyroid is located just below your larynx and runs your metabolism
Dr. Frederick Crane accidentally discovered CoQ10 in 1957 at the University of Wisconsin while working with cellular energy production in beef hearts. Dr. Crane became a pioneer, learning that CoQ10 produces energy in your body and is a powerful antioxidant, like vitamins C and E. He learned that CoQ10 is essential for life.
The National Cancer Institute says "the highest concentrations [of CoQ10] are found in the heart, the liver, the kidneys, and the pancreas. The lowest concentration is found in the lungs." Although controversial, doctors and scientists continue to study and recommend CoQ10 to patients for a variety of conditions and diseases, including thyroid disease.
Thyroid Disease
Your thyroid is a little gland located in the front of your neck, below your larynx or "Adam's apple." It takes iodine from food and converts it into thyroid hormones. Your thyroid hormones, called T3 and T4, regulate your entire metabolism.
Thyroid disease such as hyperthyroidism are a result of too many thyroid hormones being produced, causing an increased metabolism, weight gain or weight loss and a host of other symptoms. Hypothyroidism results when there aren't enough thyroid hormones, resulting in a slow metabolism and many associated problems. CoQ10 can restore your thyroid back to health.
Thyroid Disease and Your Heart
Dr. Sinatra believes your thyroid doesn't directly cause heart problems. He says thyroid disease results in "weight gain, lipid abnormalities, etc", which can lead to heart problems. As mentioned, hyperthyroidism robs your heart of its CoQ10, which it needs to function. In his book, "Heart Sense For Women," Dr. Sinatra writes, CoQ10 "essentially improves the heart's ability to pump more effectively."
CoQ10 and Hyperthyroidism
Since all of the CoQ10 in your body can be burned up by a hyperactive thyroid, Dr. Sinatra also says, "If there is one thing a female thyroid patient can do, it's supplement with CoQ10."
Children with hyperthyroidism can also benefit from CoQ10. In a 2003 study, Dr. Thomas Menke of the Vestische Kinderklinik in Germany discovered the plasma level of CoQ10 was "significantly decreased" in children with hyperthyroidism.
CoQ10 Supplements
Because the amounts of CoQ10 depletes with age, supplements in tablets or capsules successfully restore CoQ10.
Take 100 to 200 mg per day of CoQ10 if you have a thyroid problem, as suggested by Dr. Sinatra. Take up to 400 mg daily if you have heart disease too. CoQ10 supplements are very economical. Purchase CoQ10 at natural health food stores or online.
Tips and Warnings
Do not substitute CoQ10 for conventional drugs. Although it's safe, use CoQ10 along with conventional therapy.
Consult with your doctor before taking CoQ10 if you're on blood thinners such as warfarin (Coumadin).
Eat food sources high in CoQ10, such as peanuts and seafood.