How to Speed the Metabolism with Thyroid Problems
Eat more fibrous foods.There are two types of fiber: insoluble and soluble. Insoluble fiber does not break down during digestion. It carries excess waste and water with it as it is being digested, which flushes toxins from the body. Find insoluble fiber in whole wheat, legumes, dark green vegetables and apples. Soluble fiber produces a gel in the digestive tract during digestion. This gel binds with fatty acids or cholesterol and removes them from the bloodstream to the bile acids. This type of fiber not only aids in waste loss and speeding up the metabolism, but also help lower high cholesterol, another symptom of hypothyroidism. Get these foods by eating nuts, oats and barley.
The Department of Medicine, Soroka University Hospital of Kupat-Holim performed a study that indicated that levothyroxine or synthetic thyroid's absorption rate was affected by fiber. Some patients may need to increase their medication to compensate for the medication not being properly absorbed. Ask you doctor about increasing the fiber in your diet.
Follow the meal plate plan by putting an imaginary line down the middle of your plate. Cut one of the halves in half, so that you have three portions. Fill the largest portion with non-starchy vegetables and the other two with starches and protein. Add fruit and you have a well-balanced meal. Add two snacks during the day to keep your metabolism rate up. The metabolism slows when the body goes into starvation mode. Skipping meals or snacks can provoke this starvation mode to occur. Snack on low-calorie foods to prevent binges and your metabolism from slowing down.
Pick low-fat dairy products. Replace whole milk with 2 percent. Eat goat cheese, feta and low-fat cheese. Almond cheese and milk has little fat and almost no cholesterol. Experiment with different brands to find one that you like. Choose rice, coconut or almond dairy alternatives because soy products can prevent your thyroid medication from working properly. According to the Mayo Clinic at, it is best to wait at least three hours before having any soy products.
Choose lean proteins over fatty meats. Fish, chicken and turkey are low in fat and calories. Use portion control when eating these proteins. Chicken and turkey portions should resemble the size of one deck of cards. Fish should be the size of a checkbook. Nuts are a great source of protein and Omega-3 fatty acids; however, they contain a lot of calories. Keep your portion of nuts to the size of a golf ball. Likewise, avoid eating peanuts for proper absorption of thyroid medication. Cheese should be the size of six dice. By visualizing common items, you are able to reduce the amount of calories you enjoy at meals.
Count calories. Fad diets will strip you of important nutrients that can aid in thyroid hormone production. By eating less calories than you burn, you are able to lose weight. Some weight can be stubborn to lose, because metabolism is affected by the thyroid. Boost your metabolism by eating smaller meals throughout the day. Add two snacks in the day to prevent yourself from binging. Write down what you eat and how many calories those foods contain to keep an account of your calories. Read food labels for calories and to see if prepared food items contain foods that will hinder your thyroid medication absorption.
Add some spice to your diet. According to the Phycican's Select Herbal Handbook at, cayenne pepper has shown in studies to decrease appetite and boost metabolism. Use hot sauce or cayenne powder on meals to speed up metabolism.