Signs & Symptoms of Thyroid Dysfunction
Of all the persistent symptoms in thyroid disorder, fatigue is one of the most common and most difficult to resolve. It often comes on suddenly and and may leave you feeling exhausted from even the smallest of physical activity.
Feeling depressed, moody and/or sad without adequate reason is an indicator that you may have a dysfunctional thyroid. Although the cause is not wholly known, the depression associated with thyroid disorder is sometimes partially or fully relieved with sufficient thyroid treatment.
Muscle/Joint Pain
People with a dysfunctional thyroid may notice muscle or joint-related pain. Most commonly, these symptoms are due to swelling of the muscles or swelling that is pressing on nerves. This may include carpal tunnel syndrome, tendinitis, muscle cramps, stiffness and aches.
Hair Loss
Many people notice rapid hair loss as a symptom of a thyroid disorder. This thinning hair can cause large amounts to fall out in the shower or sink, often accompanied by changes in the hair's texture, making it dry, coarse or easily tangled.
Low Libido/Sex Drive
Low sex drive is a common but not often talked about symptom of a thyroid condition. Due to imbalances in production of the thyroid hormone, other bodily hormones are usually affected as well. This irregularity of hormones may also lead to infertility, spontaneous miscarriage and abnormal menstruation cycles.
Weight Abnormalities
One of the most common symptoms reported by people with a thyroid disorder is unexplained weight gain or loss. Another symptom is an inability to lose weight or gain weight, despite severe calorie increase or reduction.