How to Lose Weight With Thyroid Disease

The thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped endocrine gland located in the neck. It controls metabolism and the growth of all the glands and cells in your body. It is also responsible for regulating your body temperature. Hypothyroidism, or low thyroid, is a thyroid abnormality that causes weight gain. This condition can be easily diagnosed with simple blood tests that check your thyroid stimulating hormones (TSH). In addition to weight gain, other symptoms of low thyroid include fatigue, fluid retention and high cholesterol levels. Even if you are diagnosed with low thyroid, there are methods available to help you effectively lose weight.

Things You'll Need

  • Synthroid prescription medication
  • Green tea
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      Drink eight glasses of water every day. Drinking enough water can help with weight loss by boosting your metabolism. Your water consumption must be spread out throughout the day. Drinking too much water at one time is unhealthy and can lead to water intoxication, causing swelling of the brain and other problems. Make sure to drink one full glass of water every two to three hours. Do not allow yourself to become thirsty, because thirst means you are already starting to become dehydrated.

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      Talk to your physician about taking the prescription drug Synthroid. If you have been diagnosed with hypothyroidism, exercise and diet is not enough to help you lose weight. Synthroid can help stabilize your weight by replacing the hormone your body is not effectively making. Always read the instructions that accompany the medication before taking it.

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      Eat two to three servings of high-fiber foods daily. Hypothyroidism slows down the function of your digestive system, causing buildup of feces. It can also cause long-term constipation. Fiber makes your feces bulkier, allowing it to easily pass through your intestines. Fiber also binds to the cholesterol in digested food, helping you to lose weight. Foods rich in fiber include vegetables, whole grains, prunes, figs, barley and fava beans.

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      Drink one cup of green tea every day. A common symptom of hypothyroidism is feeling tired. Green tea is rich in antioxidants, which can give you the energy you need to stay active and get enough exercise to help control your weight.

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      Do moderate to vigorous exercise, such as jogging, aerobics, swimming or walking, for one hour daily. Lowering your calorie intake may not be enough to help you lose weight if you are diagnosed with low thyroid. You must increase your metabolism through exercise in order to prevent weight gain.

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