Oroxine Side Effects
Side Effects - Central Nervous System
Oroxine side effects can frequently affect the central nervous system and can include tremors, insomnia, anxiety, irritability and over-excitement. These side effects are common and can be effectively managed with proper medical intervention.
Side Effects - Gastrointestinal System
Oroxine side effects commonly cause diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and weight loss. These side effects are usually temporary and can be dose-related.
Side Effects - Cardiac and Respiratory
Cardiac and respiratory-related Oroxine side effects include angina, irregular heartbeat, shortness of breath and rapid respiration.
Side Effects - Miscellaneous
Oroxine side effects can cause a myriad of symptoms such as intolerance to heat, profuse sweating, fever, flushing, hair loss, decreased libido, fluctuations in menstrual cycle and headache.
Although Oroxine side effects can be disturbing, it is important for the patient not to discontinue therapy without consulting the physician. Thyroid hormone replacement therapy is usually permanent and should not be interrupted, unless medically necessary.