How to Treat Thyroid Problems & Decreased Libido
Things You'll Need
- Licorice root
- Coconut Oil
- Arginine
Eat licorice. Not that red chewy candy, but actual black licorice. If you don't like the flavor, take 200 milligrams of licorice root per day in capsule form. Licorice root contains a compound called glycyrrhizic acid which is similar in form and function to adrenal steroids. Once ingested these compounds stimulate adrenal function, increasing hormone levels throughout the body.
Cook your foods in coconut oil. Composed of medium chain fatty acids, coconut oil increases the metabolism. This promotes weight loss, increases the temperature of the body and improves thyroid function. This, in turn, leads to an increase in sexual desire.
Add arginine to your daily diet. A semi-essential amino acid, arginine promotes the flow of blood to the penile and vaginal tissues and stimulates the production of thyroid hormones. The overall effect can be enhanced by combining arginine with B complex vitamins, which have a sedative effect on the nervous system, and kelp which is rich in the iodine that is critical for good thyroid health.
Avoid peanuts, peanut butter, walnuts, products made with soybean flour, highly caffeinated beverages and foods filled with empty calories such as fried foods and pastries as these items can undermine adrenal function.
Get moving. Exercising on a regular basis is one of the more obvious ways to increase your metabolism. Additionally, working out three to four times a week will help to reduce stress, improve your overall health and increase the body's production of endorphins, which help you feel relaxed and happy. The reduction of fatigue and stress will give your libido an automatic lift.