Best Diet for Hashimoto's Hypothyroidism
Diet for Hashimoto's Hypothyroidism
Those suffering from Hashimoto's Hypothyroidism can benefit from a high-fiber, low-fat diet. Because fiber absorbs water, it keeps material quickly passing through the gastrointestinal system. This can reduce exposure to toxins. Fiber also binds fat and cholesterol, which reduces the risk for heart disease. A low-fat diet can help the Hashimoto's patient control cholesterol, which can mean better overall health. Because of the patient's compromised immune system, a high-quality diet is critical for good health.
A high-fiber diet should include more than 25 grams of fiber daily. The fiber should include both insoluble (does not dissolve in water) and soluble (dissolves in water). High-fiber diets typically include a wide range of fruits and vegetables with the skins left on, when possible. Other high fiber foods include dried fruits, beans, nuts, whole grains and whole grain products.
A low-fat, low-cholesterol diet means that Hashimoto's patients should control calories by eating enough to maintain a healthy weight. Additionally, quality plant-derived fats such as olive oil should be emphasized over butter and other animal fats. Cholesterol and salt should also be limited.
Hashimoto's patients should also take a vitamin and mineral supplement that is well balanced; a good B-complex vitamin should be included in the regimen to help maintain the immune system.
Foods and Medications to Avoid With Hypothyroidism
There are several foods that people with Hashimoto's hypothyroidism should avoid, as they can interfere with absorption of the synthetic thyroid hormone generally prescribed for thyroid treatment. Those with Hashimoto's should avoid walnuts, cottonseed meal and soybean flour. Additionally, iron supplements, calcium supplements, antacids that contain magnesium or aluminum, certain ulcer medications and some cholesterol medications can interfere with thyroid replacement hormone absorption. Be sure to discuss the possible effects of any supplements or medications with your doctor.