Thyroid Surgery Alternatives
Thyroid Cancer Surgery Alternatives
According to the Mayo Clinic, surgery is a must for many thyroid cancer patients, but there are some surgery alternatives, depending on how far your cancer has progressed. These alternatives include chemotherapy, radioactive iodine therapy, external radiation therapy and clinical trial medications and treatments. Note that these alternatives are often used in conjunction with surgery, but your doctor can work with you to determine if you are a good candidate for postponing surgery.
Goiter Treatments
A goiter is simply a swollen thyroid gland. When your thyroid is underactive (hypothyroidism) or overactive (hyperactive), it can become enlarged. When the swollen thyroid is visible on the neck, it is called a goiter. The right non-surgical treatment for a goiter depends on the thyroid condition causing it. Thyroid replacement hormone medications can reduce a goiter in hypothyroid patients while radioactive iodine therapy is an option in hyperthyroidism. Aspirin may also reduce the inflammation.
Hyperthyroidism Treatments
Patients with severe hyperthyroidism sometimes have their thyroids surgically removed, but there are other, less invasive options. Radioactive iodine therapy, thyroid suppressing medication and beta blockers are all options, according to the Mayo Clinic. Calcium supplements and increasing your caloric intake may also help.
Thyroid Nodule Treatments
Thyroid nodules are bumps that grow below the thyroid gland. In most cases, thyroid nodules are benign, and when they are, according to the Mayo Clinic, non-surgical options are available. Radioactive iodine therapy and thyroid suppressing medications are both choices.
With the exception of hypothyroidism, surgery is a common treatment for many thyroid conditions, and non-surgical interventions may not be adequate. Especially in the case of thyroid cancer, your doctor may advise you that surgery is a must. Most endocrinologists, including the Mayo Clinic and Cleveland Clinic, don't believe natural remedies are effective in treating thyroid problems. If you want to avoid surgery, work closely with your doctor to determine which options are appropriate for your specific condition. Be aware, however, that it may not be possible to avoid surgery.