Armour Vs. Synthetic Thyroid Hormones
Armour Thyroid and synthetic thyroid hormones are available only by prescription. Thyroid medication cannot be purchased over the counter. Generic versions of the synthetic hormones are available.
Armour Thyroid lists porcine (pig) thyroid glands as part of its ingredients. Armour Thyroid does not contain lactose or gluten. Synthroid contains no animal products, but it does contain sugar, starch, lactose, talc and color additives.
Side Effects
Side effects from Armour Thyroid or synthetic thyroid hormones are rare. If the medication is not taken as prescribed (for instance, on an empty stomach), you may experience slight stomach upset.
Synthetic hormones are measured in micrograms. Armour Thyroid is measured in grains. One-quarter grain of Armour is equivalent to 18.5 to 25 micrograms of Synthroid. If you switch between the two, your doctor will need to do some calculations to ensure the right dose.
The thyroid produces T3 and T4 hormones when absorbing iodine from food. Synthetic hormone therapy replaces only T4. Armour Thyroid replaces T3 and T4.