Signs & Symptoms of Parathyroid Disease
Osteoporosis and Osteopenia
Osteoporosis, an inability to keep up bone repair, and osteopenia, loss of minerals in bones, are key indicators of parathyroid disease--both are caused by the parathyroid not doing its main job.
Kidney Stones
With the calcium not going to the bones due to the parathyroid disease, it has to end up somewhere. That somewhere is in the kidneys, and becomes kidney stones.
Blood Pressure
The body starts to have problems controlling the blood pressure. Blood pressure will vary from low to high. Sometimes these spikes can be quite extreme.
Bone Pain
Bone pain is a general pain in the bones. It can lead to sleeplessness and fatigue.
Mental Clarity
Memory starts to fail and irritability grows. Things once easy to remember are now easily forgotten. Often this is accompanied by headaches.