Overactive Thyroid Gland Symptoms
Weight Loss
Hyperthyroid people experience weight loss (or the inability to keep weight on) despite increasing their calorie intake or ingesting supplements.
Sleep Problems
Patients suffering from hyperthyroid find it hard to fall asleep or remain asleep through the night. They are often hyper-alert or not tired, though the body still requires sleep.
Racing Heart
A sign of an overactive thyroid is a racing, hyperactive heartbeat, dizziness and sweats. Palpitations appear off and on, regardless of whether the person is overexerting.
Bulging Eyes
Patients whose eyes bulge or stare may be suffering from an overactive thyroid. Another key is when you can see the complete whites of the person's eyes (in patients with regular thyroid functioning, you cannot see white around the top and bottom of their irises).
Body Temperature
An overactive thyroid may cause the sufferer to feel hot and sweaty in all climates, despite air conditioning or cold temperatures.