Hypoactive Thyroid Symptoms
Weight Gain
Because hypothyroidism refers to sluggish (or non-existent) thyroid functionality, one of illness's biggest symptoms is weight gain. Patients who suffer from hypothyroidism will either gain a significant amount of weight or be unable to lose weight despite exercise and controlled eating. This is because the thyroid has a direct effect on the metabolism. A regular functioning thyroid will monitor metabolism and keep it running properly. In hypothyroid patients, metabolism slows, and can eventually basically come to a standstill. Hypothyroid patients are not doomed to an overweight life. Synthetic or natural thyroid hormones can help them lower their weight.
Extreme Fatigue
Another symptom of hypothyroidism is extreme fatigue. Sufferers may feel tired or that their bones ache, or find it very hard to get through daily tasks. The lack of thyroid production causes the brain to want to rest more and results in a lack of stamina and strength.
Hair and Skin Changes
Although it is a sign of common aging to find strands of hair in the shower, increased hair loss can be a sign of hypothyroidism. Hair becomes brittle and rough, breaking easily. The skin also becomes dry, and the patient feels cold much more frequently and easily.
Hypothyroidism affects the pituitary gland and causes mood distress in some patients. Hypothyroid patients often feel that they can't shake their sadness or despair. They may have no idea why they feel this way. They may recognize that their lives are generally fine, and yet they still feel very low. Many patients endure long periods of therapy before they realize they suffer from hypothyroidism, and often, beginning a regimen with a hormone replacement drug can help their moods within just a few weeks.
Decreased Libido
A lack of sexual interest or ability can be a sign of hypothyroidism. A simple mixture of the illness's other symptoms (depression, fatigue) can combine with a reduced physical interest in sexual activity. Some hypothyroid patients simply lose interest. Women may experience a lowered or lack of orgasm ability.