High TSH Levels in Children
Hormones balance the metabolism, much like a see-saw. TSH is the hormone responsible for stimulation the thyroid gland to produce thyroxine, or T4, and triiodothyronine, or T3. These hormones control metabolism and act much like a thermostat or see-saw. A low T4 triggers a response from the pituitary gland, releasing additional TSH; if the T4 or T3 is high, the normal response is a lowered TSH. If either the thyroid gland or the pituitary gland is dysfunctional, then this balanced relationship fails. It is therefore necessary to test both TSH, T4 and possibly T3, before making a diagnosis.
A healthy baby is alert and active. A missing or damaged thyroid gland in infants is a very serious condition. Left untreated, it causes severe mental retardation. First indications are poor muscle tone, lack of movement and difficulty feeding. Still serious, though less so, is an underactive thyroid, which can happen in children of any age. This is called hypothyroidism, and symptoms include slow growth, lack of energy, poor muscle tone and obesity without a large food intake. Treatment with oral thyroxine is very effective, and if administered early can reverse some existing mental retardation.
Hyperthyroidism in children can be caused by thyroiditis -- inflammation of the thyroid -- a diet low in iodine, or a problem with the pituitary gland, which produces TSH. Indications are extreme nervousness and hyperactivity, extreme thinness with a healthy appetite, a swelling at the base of the neck -- sometimes called a goiter -- a hoarse voice and protuberant eyes. A TSH test alone does not establish a diagnosis, which may be indicated with a T4 test, but a TSH/T4 combination is more useful. Diseases associated with elevated T4 are Grave's disease and Hashimoto's thyroiditis, an autoimmune disorder.
Other Facts
Thyroid malfunction can also be hereditary, congenital or caused by a drug reaction.
Treatment for hyperthyroidism which removes or destroys the thyroid inevitably causes hypothyroidism. TSH, T4 and T3 are simple blood tests which require only a small sample of blood. The hypothalamus is also involved in metabolism, and this gland is larger in children than adults. Note that treatment for hypothyroidism is inexpensive and effective; children who are diagnosed and treated may show a "catch-up" growth spurt right after treatment.